Keep up to date with latest website design technology
Having a website is a fundamental and vital element for any business, organisation, or community group. A well presented website will help generate more business, create public awareness, and act as a point of contact for new and existing customers/members. Even if you already have a website, it is just as important to ensure that it meets current standards and correctly reflects who you are and what you do.
Keep your customers in the loop with Email Marketing
Consumers who purchase products through email spend 138% more than those that don’t receive email offers.
Contrary to common belief, Email Marketing Campaigns is one of the most effective methods of creating website traffic and online brand awareness. The trick is making sure that your customers willingly sign up to receive promotional matirial rather than getting junk mail they don't want. The Ad Group can help implement email signup forms and create highly effective email marketing campaigns.
Get yourself noticed online with SEO
Less than 30% of small businesses use website analytics, call tracking or coupon codes. 18% of small businesses admit to not tracking anything.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is what sets your website out from the competition. Having a beautiful looking website isn't enough to bring in new customers, you need to make sure it can be found online. SEO ensures that your website not only appears in search results, it helps improve your chances of been at the top of the page. Beauty is only skin deep, SEO, now that's something that will get you turning heads!
Fast track your online advertising with TAG Online
Percistance is the key with any form of marketing and TAG Online doesn't let up. Our remarketing ads follow customs from website to website ensuring that they visit your website!
TAG Online is The Ad Group's specialised online marketing program. Partnered with Google, we can accelerate the process of getting new traffic to your website. This is especially effective for business with new websites or wanting to increase the returning rate of customers. Using analytical tracking and targeting methods, TAG Online can give you insight into what your customers are looking for and create unique ads that adapt to your target audience.